31 December 2006

Chip PC Technologies and Dell Computer

Was curious if Ardence was partnered with Dell, was Dell also partnered with other thin clients. Dell did have a thin client of their own at one time. Do they still offer their e200? No listing.

But Wyse and Neoware are listed when searching on Dell's web site. Three of Neowares' Capio products are available from Dell with financing. The Wyse and Neoware listings where not what caught me eye.

Chip PC Technologies is also listed with their EX (pictured left) and EFI products. Their Jack PC (pictured right) is also listed in a separate PDF on Dells web site. Here is the link Technologies listing on Dell's web site. Dell is listed as Chip PC Technologies North American distributor. to PC

Contacts listed:

Frank Bernard
Chip PC Inc. - USA
Mobile: 512-699-0847
Office: 877-9244772

Jim Lathan - ASG Client Technologist
Dell Inc.
Specializing in Client Systems Management and Thin Computing Solutions
Mobile: 803-420-3865
Office: 803-438-8442

Dell also lists Century Software for Thin PC clients. Here is the link to Dell's web listing Tiny Term and PIXIL Thin PC clients as part of the "Dell Remote Computing Solution".

Until the next post,
